Archive for September, 2012

Tess Lea, Martin Young, Francis Markham, Catherine Holmes and Bruce Doran, ‘Being Moved (On): The Biopolitics of Walking in Australia’s Frontier Towns’, Radical History Review 114 (2012). It is in the contemporary period of Indigenous cultural recognition that the biopolitical system of policing Aboriginal walkers in Australia’s frontier towns has become so normalized that it […]

Ian McLean, ‘Reinventing the Savage’, Third Text 26, 5 (2012). The noble aims of ‘Exhibitions: L’Invention du Sauvage’ (‘Human Zoos: The Invention of the Savage’) at the Musée du quai Branly were not enough to counter the museum’s primitivist postmodern architecture or the exhibition’s curatorial strategy. Presenting a large number of archival images, as if […]

There is a wonderful self-assurance about the zero-sum game when you are always on the winning side. The winnings may not amount to much materially or objectively. That is not the point. The feeling of winning is itself the most important of the winnings. Joseph lee on settler Unionists, native Catholics and the zero-sum contest […]

Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow, ‘Zionist Settlers and the English Private Trust in Mandate Palestine’, Law and History Review 30, 3 (2012). The basic colonial encounter involved a colonizing power and colonized locals. Some colonial situations were more complex, involving a third element: settlers of nonlocal stock originating in an ethnos, or nation, different than that with […]

Nado Aveling, ‘”Don’t talk about what you don’t know”: on (not) conducting research with/in Indigenous contexts’, Critical Studies in Education 7 (2012). This article raises the recurrent question whether non-indigenous researchers should attempt to research with/in Indigenous communities. If research is indeed a metaphor of colonization, then we have two choices: we have to learn […]

John Patrick Montaño, The Roots of English Colonialism in Ireland (Cambridge University Press, 2011). This is a major new study of the cultural foundations of the Tudor plantations in Ireland and of early English imperialism more generally. John Patrick Montaño traces the roots of colonialism in the key relationship of cultivation and civility in Tudor England and […]

TOC, Ab Imperio, 2 (2012). The editors introduction, is I. Gerasimov, S. Glebov, A. Kaplunovski, M. Mogilner, A. Semyonov ‘Structures and Cultures of Diversity: Nomadism as Colonialism without a Metropole’. extract in lieu of abstract: The editors of Ab Imperio invited authors and readers to discuss varieties of colonialism in this issue of the journal. […]

Coel Kirkby, ‘Review Article: Henry Maine and the Re-Constitution of the British Empire’, Modern Law Review 75, 4 (2012). extract in lieu of abstract: When Seeley set himself the task of examining ‘historically the tendency to expansion which England has so long displayed’, he divided his lectures in two along a ‘natural’ division between those people […]

Robert E. Goodin, On Settling (Princeton University Press, 2012). In a culture that worships ceaseless striving, “settling” seems like giving up. But is it? On Settling defends the positive value of settling, explaining why this disdained practice is not only more realistic but more useful than an excessive ideal of striving. In fact, the book […]

Juan Obarrio, ‘Symposium: Theory from the South’, Salon 5 (2012). In lieu of abstract, first paragraph: The essays that follow were originally presented at a round table on Jean and John Comaroff’s latest book, Theory from the South. Or, how Euro-America is evolving toward Africa (Paradigm 2012) held at the American Anthropology Association annual meeting […]